Summer School in Social Research Methods: Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Radboud University Houtlaan 4, Nijmegen, Netherlands

This course introduces students to the nuts and bolts of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), an innovative set-theoretic technique that allows for comparisons of small, intermediate or large numbers of cases in order to identify necessary and/or sufficient conditions for an outcome. It is an attractive method for scholars who seek to model causally complex patterns … Continue reading Summer School in Social Research Methods: Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

€431 – €575

Summer School in Social Research Methods: Advanced Applied Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Radboud University Houtlaan 4, Nijmegen, Netherlands

The central aim of the course is to enable participants to put in practice state-of-the-art QCA empirical research. Apart from learning how to apply QCA in the best possible way, discussions in class will address from a set-theoretic point of view general methodological issues, such as robustness tests, theory evaluation, case selection strategies, or the … Continue reading Summer School in Social Research Methods: Advanced Applied Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

€431 – €575

Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A set-analytic approach to studying organizational configurations


This 3-day online PhD course is part of the ERIM Summer School of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. The course introduces you to the nuts and bolts of QCA. It is structured in six sessions (each ½ days) covering the history of QCA, the logics of case selection and research designs, small-N QCA, … Continue reading Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A set-analytic approach to studying organizational configurations

Free – €750

Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A Set-Analytic Approach to Studying Configurations (2022 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management)

Seattle Convention Center 705 Pike Street, Seattle, WA, United States

The PDW includes 3 Parts, all will be organized in a Hybrid Interactive Session with opportunities for on-site participants in Seattle (Seattle Convention Center, Tahoma 3 - The Conference Center- Level 3) as well as online participants via Zoom. Participants who wish to receive a list of recommended pre-readings and resources may contact Johannes Meuer … Continue reading Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): A Set-Analytic Approach to Studying Configurations (2022 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management)

Qualitative Comparative Analysis: An Introduction to Research Design and Application

Università della Svizzera Italiana Via Buffi 13, Lugano, Switzerland

This intensive 5-day workshop gives a thorough introduction to the foundations and advanced functions of QCA, placing emphasis on research design and empirical application. The course is based on Patrick Mello’s Qualitative Comparative Analysis: An Introduction to Research Design and Application (Georgetown University Press 2021). The workshop sessions are complemented by illustrations and exercises, using … Continue reading Qualitative Comparative Analysis: An Introduction to Research Design and Application

700CHF – 1100CHF

NCA-guided QCA

Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam, PA, Netherlands

Scholars frequently understand causation in terms of necessity and sufficiency.  However, the ontological relationship between necessary and sufficient conditions has not been fully explored.  We argue that sufficiency can only be correctly understood by taking necessity into context and develop a corresponding methodology.  NCA-guided QCA integrates Necessary Condition Analysis (Dul 2016, 2020) and Qualitative Comparative … Continue reading NCA-guided QCA


International QCA Paper Development Workshop (PDW) 2022

ETH Zürich Rämistrasse 101, Zurich, Switzerland

The International QCA Paper Development Workshop (PDW) 2022 provides a unique platform for researchers working on papers involving QCA to meet QCA experts, get feedback on their ongoing research and learn about the latest methodological developments in QCA. The workshop is interdisciplinary and interactive and allows for in-depth discussions and individual feedback from internationally renowned … Continue reading International QCA Paper Development Workshop (PDW) 2022


Comparative Case Study Design

University of Konstanz Universitaetsstrasse 10, Konstanz, Germany

A solid foundation in comparative case studies is essential for comparative social scientists. This five-day in-person course provides you with the skills needed to design your qualitative comparative case study research, based on your own and/or other applied research projects. The course covers the topics of causal complexity, concept formation, casing and case selection, logics … Continue reading Comparative Case Study Design

€390 – €460

Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)


Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a set-theoretic technique for comparing intermediate to large numbers of cases that models causal complexity to analyze necessary or sufficient conditions for an outcome. This five-day online course introduces QCA as an approach and a technique, its main assumptions, its standard procedures and operations, and the technical environment used for … Continue reading Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

€390 – €460

Introduction to Causal Process Tracing


Process tracing is a research method for tracing causal mechanisms using detailed, within-case empirical analysis of how a causal process plays out in an actual case. This five-day online course provides participants with a working understanding of the core elements of process tracing (PT) as a robust case study method, enabling them to utilize it … Continue reading Introduction to Causal Process Tracing

€390 – €460

Comparative Methods for Systematic Cross-Case Analysis