European QCA Conference: Paper Development Workshop

Tilburg University Tilburg, Netherlands

The Paper Development Workshop at the European QCA Conference 2024 provides a unique platform for QCA researchers to get feedback on their QCA papers and to meet QCA experts. The organizers invite submission from researchers using QCA for the first time or who are at a mid or advanced stage of applying QCA. It is … Continue reading European QCA Conference: Paper Development Workshop

Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (KOMEX): Basic Introduction to R for Beginners (online)


In early February 2024, komex offers the course Microcredential ekomex A Basic Introduction to R for Beginners. This 2-day virtual course introduces the open-source statistical software R for beginners. It is designed for students without prior experience of R/RStudio. It teaches the basics of R and RStudio, namely, how to perform basic descriptive statistics and … Continue reading Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (KOMEX): Basic Introduction to R for Beginners (online)

180 EURO

Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (KOMEX): Advanced QCA (with R) course (online)


In February 2024, Komex offers the course Microcredential ekomex Advanced Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).  This 5-day online course exposes participants to advanced methodological developments in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) that allow for further solidifying their results, and enables them to apply state-of-the-art set-theoretic analytic tools in R. komex combines cutting-edge, inclusive, and affordable methodological training in … Continue reading Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (KOMEX): Advanced QCA (with R) course (online)

440 EURO

Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (KOMEX): Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) using R (On-Site course)

University of Konstanz Universitaetsstrasse 10, Konstanz, Germany

This five-day in-person course introduces you to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), an innovative set-theoretic technique that allows for comparisons of small, intermediate or large numbers of cases in order to identify necessary and / or sufficient conditions for an outcome, model causal complexity, and integrate in-depth case knowledge at all stages of the analysis. The … Continue reading Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops (KOMEX): Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) using R (On-Site course)

440 EURO – 540 EURO

Introduction to Causal Data Analysis & Modeling with Coincidence Analysis

The National Research Centre for the Working Environment (NFA) Copenhagen, Denmark

This workshop offers an intensive 4-day introduction to causal modeling with Coincidence Analysis (CNA), a novel configurational comparative method of data analysis geared towards causal complexity, which has seen a considerable uptick in applications in recent years (click here for references). No prior knowledge of CNA is required. For further details, please see link below. … Continue reading Introduction to Causal Data Analysis & Modeling with Coincidence Analysis


Comparative Methods for Systematic Cross-Case Analysis