A summer full of QCA training, including one by COMPASSS Steering Committee member Peer Fiss in Switzerland

Please note the various QCA courses this summer. The courses offer the opportunity to start with QCA or to deepen your knowledge.

For instance, Peer Fiss will be teaching a five-day QCA course as part of the Global School in Empirical Research Methods (GSERM). It will take place at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, from June 10-14, 2025. Information on the course can be found here. The goal of this workshop is to provide a ground-up introduction to crisp and fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Participants will get intensive instruction and hands-on experience with the fsQCA software package and on completion should be prepared to design and execute research projects using the set-analytic approach.

Registration fees and travel/lodging info for AQCA2024

The third annual QCA Conference of the Americas will be held in March 2024 at Northwestern University in Chicago. Registrations fees have been posted (we’ve kept the fees the same as last year) and registration will open soon.

We’ve also posted information on traveling to Northwestern, along with the link for booking at Hyatt House Chicago/Evanston, the official conference hotel.

See the following link for complete details: AQCA2024 homepage

Charles Ragin on “Dual Calibration”

Charles Ragin has published a research note on dual calibration, a heretofore undocumented function in the fs/QCA software. Dual calibration applies the direct method but uses four threshold values, allowing one to construct two fuzzy sets from a single variable, simultaneously calibrating “high-X versus not-high-X” and “low-X versus not-low-X.”

Tutorial, Guides and Reports

Comparative Methods for Systematic Cross-Case Analysis