Category Archives: News

Two Positions at U of Konstanz

Situated at the chair of Public Administration / Public Policy, University of Konstanz, applications proposing a research project in the area of set-theoretic and qualitative comparative methodology are equally welcome.

Goertz’s Social Science Concepts and Measurement Available for Pre-Order

Gary Goertz’s (Univ. of Notre Dame) Social Science Concepts and Measurement is now available for pre-order from Princeton University Press,, and all major booksellers. The text is a completely updated and revised edition of his Social Science Concepts: A User’s Guide (2005).

Also of note is that Professor Goertz has developed a set of hundreds of exercises for his methods books, including this text. If you would like a copy of these exercises to use in your class, you may email him at <>.

COMPASSS Newsletter

I have temporarily hidden the link for subscribing to the COMPASSS newsletter, as I am moving us to a new software package. Once the new system is set up, I’ll restore the link.