
Facebook Group

The Facebook group “Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Fuzzy Sets” is more than a social media community about QCA. The group provides a venue where QCA researchers at any stage of their analysis can post questions and get targeted feedback regarding their on-going research. A lively and active group, it is moderated by leading QCA experts and members of COMPASSS. To join the group, just log into your Facebook account and send the request to become a member.


Many members of the COMPASSS community are active on Twitter. Search for”qualitative comparative analysis” and the hashtag #QCA.


COMPASSS has a YouTube page of videos on QCA and related configurational-comparative methods. If you have a video that you’d like us to host, please contact Claude Rubinson.

Asynchronous Online Courses

  • InStats, “Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): From Basic to Advanced Applications” w/Carsten Schneider (Central European University). Two on-demand seminars that offer comprehensive coverage of QCA, starting with the basics of formal logic and set theory, to strategies of applying these tools correctly and most effectively for the analysis of social science data within R.
  • Coursera, “Qualitative Comparative Analysis” w/Fadi Hirzalla (Erasmus University Rotterdam). A 5-week MOOC introducing the basics of crisp-set QCA. Upon completion of the course, the successful student will understand the methodological foundations of QCA and be able to conduct a basic QCA study by themselves.

Mailing Lists and Forums

  • The COMPASSS Mailing List is a low-traffic mailing list that distributes the COMPASSS newsletter and news of interest to the broader CCM community. If you have something that might be of interest to the target audience of the newsletter, but does not match any of the sections on the website, please email Benoît Rihoux to see whether your item would be appropriate for the newsletter.
  • In political science and sociology, QUAL-COMPARE, managed by Wendy Olsen (University of Manchester).
  • In management and organization studies, Qualitative Comparative Analysis Net (Connect@AOM), managed by Peer Fiss (University of Southern California).
  • QCA forum (emphasis on R package):

Communities of Practice

  • QCA/CCM and Healthcare Research
    A community of practice for medical, healthcare and health services researchers using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) and related configurational-comparative methodologies.

Comparative Methods for Systematic Cross-Case Analysis