A solid foundation in comparative case studies is essential for comparative social scientists. This five-day in-person course provides you with the skills needed to design your qualitative comparative case study research, based on your own and/or other applied research projects. The course covers the topics of causal complexity, concept formation, casing and case selection, logics … Continue reading Comparative Case Study Design→
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a set-theoretic technique for comparing intermediate to large numbers of cases that models causal complexity to analyze necessary or sufficient conditions for an outcome. This five-day online course introduces QCA as an approach and a technique, its main assumptions, its standard procedures and operations, and the technical environment used for … Continue reading Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)→
Process tracing is a research method for tracing causal mechanisms using detailed, within-case empirical analysis of how a causal process plays out in an actual case. This five-day online course provides participants with a working understanding of the core elements of process tracing (PT) as a robust case study method, enabling them to utilize it … Continue reading Introduction to Causal Process Tracing→
A one-day hybrid workshop that provides a ground-up introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and fuzzy sets. Designed for those who are new to QCA or wish to refresh their knowledge, participants will receive intensive instruction and hands-on experience with QCA software. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to begin designing … Continue reading Qualitative Comparative Analysis at AQCA2023→