The Journal of Business Research 69(4) is a special issue titled “Set-Theoretic Research in Business”, and includes almost 50 articles applying QCA.
Journals friendly to QCA
As a by-product of [his] work as the management board member of COMPASSS responsible for the bibliography, [Alrik Thiem] has published a blog entry on [his] personal website that presents a ranking of QCA-friendly journals. If you want to know at which journals your risk of being rejected because of the method you have employed should be relatively low, you might want to check out this table.
Carsten Schneider and Kristin Makszin win article of the year award
This year, the 2014 Article of the Year Award of the journal Socio-Economic Review was given to Carsten Schneider and Kristin Makszin for their article “Forms of Welfare Capitalism and Education-Based Participatory Inequality, Socio-Economic Review 12(2): 437-462″. In this article, QCA is used to analyze whether the degree of political inequality between social groups is shaped by features of the welfare capitalist system. We congratulate the authors!
Call for submissions: Special issue of Quality & Quantity
Domingo Ribeiro Soriano (University of Valencia, Spain), Kun Huang Huarng (Feng Chia University, Taiwan) and Norat Roig-Tierno (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain) organize a Special Section Issue titled “Configurational Comparative Research Methodologies” in the journal Quality & Quantity. The Special Section Issue seeks to provide a forum for topical issues that demonstrate the usefulness of configurational comparative research methodologies. A description of the method, its empirical applications, and potential methodological advances that increase its usefulness in research and practice will be emphasized. Submissions should be made using Editorial Manager (authors must say in a cover note that their paper is intended for the Special Section Issue). The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2015.
Publications in Quality & Quantity
Four methodological contributions on Qualitative Comparative Analysis fully published in Quality & Quantity: “Contextual Analyses with QCA-Methods” by Thomas Denk and Sarah Lehtinen; “But not Both: The Exclusive Disjunction in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)” by Ursula Hackett; “Parameters of Fit and Intermediate Solutions in Multi-Value Qualitative Comparative Analysis” by Alrik Thiem and “Parsimony and Causality” by Michael Baumgartner. Three further QCA articles as advance online publications: “Analyzing Multilevel Data with QCA: Yet Another Straightforward Procedure” by Alrik Thiem; “ Analysing Necessity and Sufficiency with Qualitative Comparative Analysis: How do Results Vary as Case Weights Change?” by Barry Cooper and Judith Glaesser; and “ Why Simulations are Appropriate for Evaluating Qualitative Comparative Analysis” by Ingo Rohlfing.
Patrick Mello wins best dissertation award
This year, the German Political Science Association has awarded its price for the best dissertation to Patrick Mello for his book Democratic Participation in Armed Conflict. Military Involvement in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. In this work, QCA is used to answer the question of when democracies participate in military operations, and under which conditions they abstain. Please see our Books section for more details. We congratulate Patrick on this great achievement!
Corinne Bara wins article of the year award
This year, the Nils Petter Gleditsch Article of the Year Award of the Journal of Peace Research was given to Corinne Bara for her article “Incentives and opportunities: A complexity-oriented explanation of violent ethnic conflict, Journal of Peace Research 51(6): 696-710″. In this study, QCA is used for examining the onset of ethnic conflicts between 1990 and 2009. We congratulate Corinne on this great achievement!