Carsten Schneider (Central European University) has won the David Collier Mid-Career Achievement Award by the Qualitative and Multi-Method Research Section of the American Political Science Association (APSA). Congratulations!
New Working Paper
New working paper published by Lotte Dalgaard Christensen (Dept of Environmental Science, Aarhus University), “When Bioeconomy Policy Objectives (Fail To) Overlap: Rethinking the analysis of necessity to detect causal interdependencies among sustainable development goals in the Nordic bioeconomy strategy”
See the Working Papers page.
Immanuel Wallerstein, 1930-2019
Immanuel Wallerstein passed away on August 31, 2019 at the age of 88. As the founder of world-systems theory and author of hundreds of articles and commentaries and dozens of books, including his four-volume magnum opus, The Modern World-System, Wallerstein’s research exemplified the methodology of comparative analysis and was a cornerstone in the development of QCA.
Call for Abstracts: International QCA Paper Development Workshop 2019
The 3rd International QCA Paper Development Workshop (Dec 11-12, 2019) has released a call for abstracts.
“Avoiding Common Errors In QCA”
Claude Rubinson (Univ of Houston-Downtown), Lasse Gerrits (Univ of Bamberg), Roel Rutten (Tilburg Univ), and Thomas Greckhamer (Lousiana State Univ) have produced a pedagogical piece “Avoiding Common Errors in QCA: A Short Guide for New Practioners,” available on the Community Resources page of the COMPASSS website.
New Textbook by Lasse Cronqvist
Lasse Cronqvist has published Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Eine Einführung mit TOSMANA und dem QCA Add-In (Rainer Hampp Verlag 2019). The textbook is aimed at readers with no previous knowledge of QCA and presents the basics of the methodology in a compact form. The descriptions are mainly application-oriented and combines the description of QCA with the application with TOSMANA and the QCA Add-in for Excel.

Eva Thomann Wins 2019 IPPA Best Book Award
Eva Thomann (University of Exeter) has been awarded the 2019 best book award of the International Public Policy Association for Customized Implementation of European Union Food Safety Policy: United in Diversity? (Palgrave Macmillan). Her monograph on customized implementations of food safety policy uses fsQCA and explanatory typologies in a comparative case study design. Congratulations Eva!
Photos From the 2nd International QCA Summer Workshops, Antwerp 2019
New Working Paper On Measuring Calibration Robustness
We have published a working paper by Tore Hofstad (University of Oslo, Institute of Health and Sociey) that develops a new measure of calibration robustness. COMPASSS Working Papers.
APSA Report on Transparency in Set-Analytic Research
As part of the American Political Science Association’s recent deliberations regarding transparency in empirical research and with input from the many members of the COMPASSS community, Carsten Schneider, Barbara Vis, and Kendra Kovu drafted a report on transparency in STM/CCM research for the Organized Section for Qualitative and Multi-Method Research. A link to the full report is available on SSRN at A summary of the report is also available at