This page lists the CCM software that we are aware of. If there is a software program that we are missing, please email Claude Rubinson. All programs are provided free of charge and their developers have invested much time and effort into developing, maintaining, and documenting them. If you make use of software, we would thus ask you to acknowledge this by citing it in your work, and also in the interest of scientific transparency and replicability. If you have any questions or comments related to a specific program, or if you would like to help with its development and/or documentation, please contact its author(s).
Software | Environment | Methodology |
acq | Unix shell | csQCA, fsQCA |
FSGoF | DOS | Fit test for fuzzy-set analysis |
fs/QCA | Windows, macOS | csQCA, fsQCA |
fuzzy | Stata | csQCA, fsQCA |
Kirq | Windows, macOS, Linux | csQCA, fsQCA |
EvalC3 | Microsoft Excel (Windows) | QCA type configurational analysis |
EvalC3 Online | Web app | QCA type configurational analysis |
TOSMANA | Windows (.NET/Mono) | csQCA, mvQCA, fsQCA |
QCA Add-in for Excel | MS Excel | csQCA, mvQCA, fsQCA |
causalHyperGraph | R | Draw causal hypergraphs |
cna | R | Coincidence Analysis |
SetMethods | R | Additional functions for QCA |
LogicOpt | R | Truth table minimization |
NCA | R | Necessary conditions analysis |
QCA | R | csQCA, mvQCA, fsQCA |
QCA3 | R | csQCA, mvQCA, fsQCA |
QCAfalsePositive | R | Type I error test |
QCApro | R | csQCA, mvQCA, fsQCA |
QCAtools | R | Additional functions for QCA |
Venn | R | Draw Venn diagrams |