All posts by cjr

New Working Paper

“Analyzing Relations of Necessity in Survey Research: Incorporating Notions of Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis and Bootstrap” by Daisuke Mori of Kumamoto University.

Correlation coefficients often used in quantitative research, such as survey research, cannot adequately measure certain key aspects within the relation of necessity. In this paper, I focus on Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), enabling the analysis of set relations or relations of necessity and sufficiency, and try to incorporate it into the analysis of survey research. I present the parameters of fit in a fuzzy-set QCA to measure such a relation. I also show the methods used to conduct statistical inferences to understand the properties of a population based on a random sample from that population. For example, I analyzed the survey data on the purpose of tort damages in the case of a defective car accident in Japan. In this survey, respondents were asked about the extent to which they considered five factors in deciding the amount of damages: compensation for monetary loss, punishment, compensation for mental suffering, deterrence, and satisfying the feeling of retribution. I found that compensation for monetary loss is not correlated with punishment, deterrence, and satisfying the feeling of retribution. However, compensation for monetary loss is a necessary condition. The analysis of relations of necessity can highlight relations that have not been detected by conventional statistical analysis based on correlations.

Special Issue of Quality & Quantity on QCA and Causation

A special issue of Quality & Quantity focusing on “Causation, inferences, and solution types in configurational comparative methods,” co-edited by Tim Haesebrouck (Ghent University) and Eva Thomann (University of Konstanz), is now available on-line. An introduction to the issue is provided below, along with the direct links to the articles, which are available in the COMPASSS bibliography.

Continue reading Special Issue of Quality & Quantity on QCA and Causation

5th International QCA Paper Development Workshop: CfA

The 5th International QCA Paper Development Workshop will be a hybrid event held in Zurich and online, December 13 (and possibly the 14 as well). The call for abstracts is now available.

The PDW offers researchers embarking on QCA projects a venue to meet QCA experts, get feedback on their on-going research, and learn about the latest methodological developments in QCA. For more information, see the International QCA Workshops website.

New Monograph By Luca Manucci

Luca Manucci (University of Lisbon, Portugal) has published Populism and Collective Memory: Comparing Fascist Legacies in Western Europe (2020, Routledge), which uses fsQCA to test the impact of collective memories on the social acceptability of populist discourses across Europe since the 1970s.

Right-wing populism is a global phenomenon that challenges several pillars of liberal democracy, and it is often described as a dangerous political ideology because it resonates with the fascist idea of power in terms of anti-pluralism and lack of minorities’ protection. In Western Europe, many political actors are exploiting the fears and insecurities linked to globalization, economic crisis, and mass migrations to attract voters. However, while right-wing populist discourses are mainstream in certain countries, they are almost completely taboo in others. Why is right-wing populism so successful in Italy, Austria, and France while in Germany it is marginal and socially unacceptable? It is because each country developed a certain collective memory of the fascist past, which stigmatizes that past to different levels. For this reason, right-wing populism can find favorable conditions to thrive in certain countries, while in others it is considered as an illegitimate and dangerous idea of power. Through a comparative study of eight European countries, this book shows that short-term factors linked to levels of corruption, economic situation, and quality of democracy interact with long-term cultural elements and collective memories in determining the social acceptability of right-wing populist discourses.

Two Positions at U of Konstanz

Situated at the chair of Public Administration / Public Policy, University of Konstanz, applications proposing a research project in the area of set-theoretic and qualitative comparative methodology are equally welcome.